In an emergency situation, the thing that most people will need right away, and the one thing that they routinely fail to to stockpile, is water. Even relatively unhealthy people can survive several days without food, but water is a … Continue reading
Among preppers, the subject of self defense seems to be a regular topic of discussion. Depending on who you listen to, tactics of self defense range from dialog to scorched earth, with an entire range in between. This is article … Continue reading
In a previous article I detailed some of the problem I’ve encountered with commercially available potting soil. There are some decent soils out there, but you do tend to take your chances with something that is bulk produced as potting … Continue reading
I’ve recently been very disgusted with the state of potting soil that I’ve bought at garden centers and hardware stores recently. To me this “potting soil” it looks like black mulch with some pearlite and something vaguely organic mixed in. … Continue reading
Unless you’ve unplugged from all major media and the Internet, the word for early 2012 is “prepping”. Just a few years ago most of the world would never have heard of people with underground safehouses, stockpiles of food to last … Continue reading